Monday, November 10, 2008

How To Cancel Recurring Xbox Live

Come parlare di identità?

Recently, a PhD student in semiotics - that thank you very much for providing the important insights - he wrote in an e-mail requesting information on the activities of the center Zebra. After being sent some practical information, such as the link to the website of the Centre for Studies on the Languages \u200b\u200bof Identity (Zebra, that for those who ask if they are here: has placed the questions that I consider of great interest and I'd like to start a discussion on this blog which, unfortunately, there has not been:

As a literary approach to the issue of / identity is different from a semiotic?
In that sense we talk about language identity? These are issues of mediology? We wonder how a certain language that determines the identity of the talks?
How to map the question of identity? It is rather difficult to do, as psychologists and philosophers to the neuroscientists talk about it all ...

Apro quindi la discussione, sia ai membri del centro Zebra, sia a tutti coloro che vogliono dare un contributo.