Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Making Cozy Cuddle Cups

La scomparsa di Emory Elliott

On April 2, died of a heart attack Emory Elliott, a prominent figure and member of the International dell'americanistica scientifico internazionale del Centro di Studi sui Linguaggi delle Identità. Noi di Zebra lo ricordiamo con affetto e ammirazione.

Emory Elliott dies at 66; scholar and UC Riverside English professor

By Jon Thurber
April 4, 2009

Emory Elliott, a UC Riverside professor and leading scholar of American literature who was a pivotal figure in the university's intellectual community, has died. He was 66.

Elliott, who was found Tuesday at his Riverside home, died of an apparent heart attack.

As a scholar, he published two groundbreaking books on early American literature, "Power and the Pulpit in Puritan New England" (1975) and "Revolutionary Writers: Literature and Authority in the New Republic" (1982), but he was a leading voice on all facets of literature from Puritanism to Postmodernism. He was also influential in expanding the canon to a wide array of diverse voices.

Steven Gould Axelrod, who is an English professor at Riverside, said that Elliott's advocacy of the work of Toni Morrison "helped her achieve more quickly the status she has now as America's greatest novelist."

Katherine Kinney, the chair of UC Riverside's English Department, said that Elliott " . . . was committed to a full, very open multicultural understanding of American works. Emory wrote about the whole range of American literature and was absolutely committed and supportive of young scholars doing new and exciting study."

Elliott was closely identified with UC Riverside's Center for Ideas and Society, a research center he directed starting in 1996. Elliott expanded the profile of the center by bringing in grants from the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and other sources that helped fuel the center's lectures, seminars and colloquia as well as its residency programs for UC Riverside faculty and graduate students and fellowships for visiting faculty.

Among his accomplishments in heading the center was the international conference "Aesthetics and Difference: Cultural Diversity, Literature and the Arts." The conference, held in 1998, examined how the cultural diversity of the United States has changed cultural expression in this country and abroad.

An announcement of his death by the school's English department this week cited that conference as key to placing "Riverside at the center of national discussions of a progressive future for the Humanities."

Elliott was born in Baltimore on Oct. 30, 1942, and grew up in a working-class neighborhood. His father was a truck driver who never attended high school, and his mother operated a loom in a factory. Elliott was the first in his family to get a college degree, earning a bachelor's in English at Loyola College in Baltimore. He went on to earn his master's degree, also in English, at Bowling Green State University and his doctorate at the University of Illinois.

He began his teaching career as a high school English teacher in Baltimore. His first college job was at Cameron State College in Oklahoma, followed by two years at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

Before joining the UC Riverside faculty, he spent 17 years teaching at Princeton and was chairman of the American Studies program and, later, the English department.

At Princeton, he also received the Distinguished Service Award for his contributions to the Women's Studies Program before leaving for Riverside in 1989.

In 2001, the University of California system named Elliott a University Professor, an honor for outstanding scholars and teachers viewed as exceptional. The designation allows professors access to all UC campuses, where they can give seminars and engage students and faculty.

The author of more than a dozen books, he also edited the "Columbia Literary History of the United States," a 1988 book that won the American Book Award, and was the series editor of "The American Novel" from Cambridge University Press and "Penn Studies in Contemporary American Fiction."

"Emory was endlessly humane, good-humored and intelligent," Axelrod said. "As a teacher and colleague, he created spaces where others could intellectually thrive. He was one of those scholars who really mattered, whose contributions could not be duplicated."

Elliott is survived by his wife, Georgia Elliott, the associate vice chancellor for development at UC Riverside; their five children, Scott, Mark, Matt and Laura Elliott and Connie Tremblay; and five grandchildren.

Services are scheduled for 11:30 a.m. today at St. Thomas the Apostle Church, 374 Jackson St., Riverside. Burial will be private.

Instead of flowers, the family suggests donations be made to the Emory Elliott Memorial Scholarship Fund through the UC Riverside Foundation , 120A Highlander Hall, Riverside, CA 92521.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sample Wording For A Diaper Raffle


Per quelli che i prossimi due giorni si perderanno nelle rotatorie di Parma: visto che avanza una scheda con numero di cellulare vi si mette a disposizione come linea informativa il 3314756216.

Vi risponderò o io, o Elisa o Graziella.

Altre info sparse, prima che muoia definitivamente per la fatica:
  1. Il pranzo del sabato è alle 13, guidance. If you do not have the badge will not give you a meal, since otherwise we are open and the elderly with minimal raided. We will (thanks to Barilla, a little 'less to the city that I believe will give us the green light tomorrow morning only and only if the undersigned slams again) first, cheese and bread sticks, fresh fruit and beverages. There is a wiki
  2. dinner on Friday. I booked for 12, in case if we are more the manager is very very happy. Write down on the wiki then I will die in the late afternoon, or you tell me directly to the convention center.
  3. All the info to reach the conference center are in the wiki Parmaworkcamp: including bus lines, a map with places of interest menate different. The convention center is that building close to the Auditorium Paganini, Eridania Park.
  4. The first to break, given the fans of this last month for catering, permits, various cazzabbubboli know that I started doing boxing training and I also advances a shovel;)
Thanks to everyone that there will be, I I do not know what I'll be alive and present (they are running out with the vital energy), but thank you for having accepted my idea and for taking part in mass.

[and now I would say almost everything is done, but after thinking that my ego is bigger than it really is: namely a snots]

Can I Watch Wwe On Astra

Vi trattiamo bene: Barilla offre il pranzo

certainly a barcamp speaking of work, especially at this time, deserves to be taken seriously. But it is also recognized that bloggers have to eat.

A big thank you to Barilla and Pepe Moder that, in addition to actively participate in barcamp, have provided catering services for lunch, which will take place from 13.

For obvious reasons you should keep the badge that will give you entrance to the barcamp: you will be asked when you receive your lunch ;-)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Plans For Saugaue Suffer

Le magliette appena arrivate.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Blisters Back Of Throat

Iscrizioni alla tavola rotonda "Imprese e Web 2.0"

Not only barcamp.
Friday, March 20, in fact, we organized a roundtable event as "forerunners" to the barcamp on Saturday.

The aim of the meeting, the day barcamp on "Labor and web", is to bring together professionals who seek daily to live with the new paradigms of Web 2.0 in organizations yet linked to a way of communicate and collaborate often not very modern and efficient.

More information about the program and participants can be found at http://barcamp.org/parmaworkcamp

You can subscribe via this page on Facebook event.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Rental House Walk-thru Inspection

Segnarsi sul wiki e non su facebook.

For organizational reasons we have already said that we do not follow verbatim list of the event on facebook but the wiki (facebook is a bit 'boring, here). If you can make a merge of the entry on the wiki, otherwise oh, peace:)

How To Use Headscissors

Cena tipica del 20.

For now, you created the wiki to score. In short, local level and all the rest (just the undersigned has a pochinino of time here, I have to try again ... cough)

Thanks to all of you in the meantime, you are many.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

How Much Does It Cost To Replace Flyback

Grazie ad Elastic!!

While the badges are made by hand and stampantedifran fabrianodellacoop (very art attack eh) Thank Elastic that gave us the leftovers of Romacamp arrived today:)

Saranno i vostri portabadge.
Grazie ancora! :)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Signs Of Hpv In Throat

Dettagli tecnici.

Vi rendo palese la mail del tecnico del centro congressi, qualora possa servirvi per le presentazioni al Barcamp:

Nella sala A ci sono in dotazione N° 2 PC portatili che si connettono tramite lan alla linea del comune di Parma,seguita ed istallata dal sig. Paolo fontechiari, che ne fa da responsabile,il cui telefono per chiarimenti e richieste è 0521 218383.

La sala a Voi concessa (sala a) è dotata di un cablaggio fisso che da video proiettore va a computer tramite vga a cui si possono poi attaccare tutti i vari portatili dei relatori.

Il centro non ha riduzioni per mac e quindi bisogna procurarsele.

If there are video clips and contributions would be better to first try to see the various optimizations and compatibility of the video projector.

I extend cordial greetings

Claudio Ghillani

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Disable Disk Sims 3 Mac

Le Signore in Noir: sabato 21 marzo, ore 18

Parma - Centro Congressi, Via Toscana Hall A Saturday, March 21, 18:00

noir Sperling & Kupfer c on a special look at the network as a meeting place and meeting writers and readers and creativity workshop. There will be Barbara Garlaschelli curator, Daniela Losito, Carmen Covito, Adele Marini, Daniela I folded, Licia Giaquinto. Moderated by Frank Fiorini.


Implantation When Period Is Due

Cena sociale il venerdì 20 sera.

Given the large turnout of 20 participants on Friday it planned to organize a dinner with us. Typical course
parmigiana. For accessions

buzz Fran by March 18.

What To Salvage From A Projection Tv

Parmaworkcamp su Roadsharing.

Daniel informs us:

on RoadSharing can tell you that you have created a tab event:

http://www.roadsharing.com/it/event/e903a7bc-a6a3-4f4c-b5fc 54f2f08612a2-

to reach the convention center if you carpool to save money, pollute less and get acquainted with other participants.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Impetigo In Diabetic Dogs

Il centro congressi ieri...


Monday, March 2, 2009

How To Get Getty Images Without Watermarks

Muoversi a Parma: la bicicletta!

For those who are not at Barcamp by its own means but by train council to consider the option of Bike Sharing: very comfortable and developed in the town of Parma.

For all information please contact this address.

Labia Minora Varicose Veins

Nella sala accanto...

Most likely the 20 days, always at the convention center of Parma, will be one of the hearings of the trial in Parmalat room C.
This leads me to insist on conduct less "bright and festive" in the common areas, and avoid staying in the area car magistrates)

Vi ringrazio assolutamente per la comprensione. Naturalmente il processo non farà parte del Barcamp e dell'evento di due giorni (che sarà unicamente composto dalla conferenza Impresa e web 2.0. e dal Parmaworkcamp), ma nessuno vi vieta dall'andare ad assistere a ciò.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Testical Cheak By Women Docter

"Il Petit Palais di Parigi alla Fondazione Magnani Rocca. Incontro con Rembrandt"

Per chi vorrà fermarsi nel fine settimana a Parma segnalo inoltre alla Fondazione Magnani Rocca di Mamiano di Traversetolo un'interessante mostra: "Il Petit Palais di Parigi alla Fondazione Magnani Rocca. Incontro con Rembrandt"

Per maggiori informazioni rivolgetevi al sito .

I Want To Buy A Blowup Wrestling Rink

Venerdì 20, ore 18:30, presentazione del libro "Alle signore piace il nero".

Vi annuncio con gioia che all'interno del place that always hosts in two days devoted to work and websites will also feature the presentation of a book written and edited by some bloggeuses.

will be present: the curator Barbara Garlaschelli (unless blocked), the authors Covito Carmen, Licia Giaquinto, Adele Marini, Daniela Daniela Losito and I folded. Moderated by Frank Fiorini.
remember the specific blog dedicated to the anthology http://missfatti.wordpress.com

The inclusion of this event is encouraged from the point of view of relationships that have maintained through the network, Barbara has a Garlaschelli its very popular and active blog site, as well as Carmen Covito is available on the net Daniela Losito since 1997 and since 2004, with a blog site that has also received official recognition.

will be available in bookshops from March 3 this new anthology dedicated to women's noir, edited by Sperling & Kupfer and edited by Barbara and Nicole Garlaschelli Vallorani, will be called "The ladies like it black - Stories of murders, Crimes and Misdemeanors. "

to confront the most popular genre of the moment will Covito Carmen, Grace Verasani, Barbara Garlaschelli, Cinzia Tani, Nicoletta Vallorani, Donald Diamond, Licia Giaquinto, Adele Marini, Elisabetta Bucciarelli, I folded Daniela, Daniela Losito, Claudia Salvatori, Diana Lama and Nicoletta Sipos. But the main novelty of the project is in the wake of advances that the 14 authors, from now until the release date, will leave on the Internet: small samples of each story will be published every day in fact MissFatti Blog - Arsenic and new lace.

not need reservations for this event and is open to all. The event is not related to the two days devoted to work and websites and is not sponsored by the city of Parma, but is an event that takes place in the same place on 20.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Service Initialization

Il centro congressi che ci ospita.

Also to get more familiar with the place here's the plan:

Friday, February 27, 2009

How Long Is Your Cervix

Urge sponsor per la navetta verso la GGD!!

Allora la cosa è molto bella.
Ricordate che ci siamo consorziati con la prima GGD Bolognese , vero? Ecco, oggi ho fatto il punto della situazione con Linda e quanto pare sarebbe bello avere uno sponsor che ci trascina da Parma a Bologna. Il costo ammonterebbe sui 300 euro (oppure non so, forniteci voi un pullmino da 26 posti e a noi ci va bene uguale)

Qualsiasi sponsor bussi alla porta delle Ragazze, che ne han bisogno.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Traditional Japanese Wedding Card

Aggiornamenti e ringraziamenti ad Epicentro.

Mentre si va a delineare il pomeriggio del venerdì 20 che precederà e introdurrà il ParmaWorkCamp con una specie di Tavolarotonda con tema Impresa e Web 2.0.

Le aziende o gli enti che sono interessati a partecipare come speaker o are still actively encouraged to make themselves heard via e-mail for details.

also thank very much a new contributor, epicenter : young company that will actively participate in two days.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Is Vip222k Supports External Hard Drive

Noiose cose...

Since within 15 days from Barcamp our need for a certain number of shirts and baby food for any who call you to press the welfare of his upper body to register in the wiki.
[the other, uh, here ... Zompa if someone ... But something more we think the same eh, have faith, we will not starve or freezing to death]

Sorry to be so boring but we are forced to lead times.
Ringrazio per la comprensione.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Big Fish Hack Tutorial

Yooplus sponsor del ParmaWorkCamp.

Ringraziandoli sentitamente dacché hanno evitato notti insonni alla sottoscritta ho l'onore e il piacere di annunciare che Yooplus sarà sponsor per il ParmaWorkCamp:

Grazie, grazie, e ancora grazie (specialmente a Mafe)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

What Would A Homemade Baby H

Nuovo contributore: Consorzio Parmigiano Reggiano.

C'è una nuova buonanotizia: il consorzio del Parmigiano Reggiano sarà nostro contributore. Quindi state tranquilli: non deperirete tra un talk e un altro ;)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Songs From American Dad

Supporter del nostro evento: B-trail.

Sebbene abbiamo tanta simpatia e ancora pochi danari possiamo aggiungere un'altro supporter per il ParmaWorkCamp: l'aggregatore B-Trail , infatti, durante la settimana l'aggregatore di notizie si vestirà a festa segnalando il nostro evento.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

How To Make Up A Ontario Drivers License

Ribbon del Parmaworkcamp.

Qualora lo vogliate potete mettere questo accessorino qui, che si chiama ribbon. E' meno rompi di altri banner e il resto e ha il link che riporta a questo blog.

Per metterlo sul vostro blog basta mettere nel CSS:

margin:0 0 0 -250px;

E nell'HTML del blog:

(Grazie a wh1pl4sh)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

How To Extend Outlest After Installing Tile

Judith Butler - Corpi che contano

Centralità del corpo

Butler sets out from the reflection of the embodiment of the subject. The constitution of the body is the fundamental process underlying the construction of the subject, as Freud had argued: "The ego is first and foremost an entity body."
The embodiment of the subject is crucial to any proposed policy change the subject and the power dynamics that govern the constitution. It speaks of bodies, how they are constructed, what does the creation of a "body counts" in terms of exclusion and denial of other bodies. We can not disregard the materiality of the body, because this material provides the framework within which viviamo e l’ambito in cui emergiamo come soggetti.. La questione – politica – diventa allora come sia incarnato il soggetto e quali relazioni di potere presiedano a quella incarnazione.
La questione della corporeità si lega necessariamente a quella del sesso, essendo il sesso una delle norme attraverso le quale la corporeità viene materializzata dal potere (1)

Materialità del corpo

Il discorso sulla materialità del corpo si inserisce nella critica alla dicotomia sesso-genere su cui si è fondata gran parte della teoria femminista, soprattutto in ambito anglofono. Introducendo il concetto di materialità corporea, Butler argues that even sex can not be considered as raw material, objective, scientific fact neutral, devoid of history and implications on virgin table on the kind act socially, also has a history, too - as materiality - must be included in a speech that gives certain meanings rather than others. Sex is created, materialized by a discourse of power. This is not to deny the relevance of certain biological, physiological, genetic: "To acknowledge the undeniably the 'sex' or the 'material' means still recognize some version of sex, some training of materiality. The same discourse through which this 'recognition' is not invariably form itself acknowledges that the phenomenon? " (2)
The material is an effect of power," indeed, the most productive effect of power ": the process materialization is to produce that effect of boundary, fixity, which is the body surface in its guidance, in his features. And the materialization of a body of work primarily through the materialization of sex, the establishment of an individual's sexual signifier within of a speech. It is clear the anti-humanist perspective in which Butler places: there is a disembodied entity that decides quale genere assumere. Il genere non è una maschera che si sceglie di indossare. Il genere, insomma, non è una categoria descrittiva, ma performativa. (3)

Identificazione e legge (performatività della legge e abiezione)

Butler, dialogando con Lacan, sottolinea l’importanza del processo di identificazione nella formazione dell’identità per correggere alcune pieghe troppo volontaristiche del costruzionismo. (4)
Le identificazioni avvengono sotto la guida e attraverso la legge, che istituisce il significato per ogni posizione all’interno del discorso (5) , permettendo certi significati ed escludendone altri. La legge ha dunque un carattere performativo: nell’istituzione delle categorie disponibili alle identificazioni la Legge non descrive delle posizioni già esistenti, ma produce, materializza, quelle stesse categorie, fissando caratteristiche e norme che delimitino in un significato stabile il senso di ciascuna categoria all’interno del discorso. Costruire il senso vuol dunque dire escludere altre possibilità; anzi il significato di una posizione emerge e si definisce in relazione all’esclusione di altri. La legge quindi non crea solo zone di senso disponibili all’identificazione, ma ne esclude altre, anzi, le relega nel campo dell’impensabile, al di fuori della simbolizzazione, della lingua: the Other, the residue of meaning by which it can take place. (6)
In line with the strong rejection of the identity, the law ensures stable and consistent articulation of the discourse while this compound as a figure of unlawful punishment (which requires identifying the threat in a "normal"). It must evoke the ghostly presence of this order to permit the identification of normal, but denies it the ability to form within the law as a symbolic alternative. The otherness is recognized only as the possibility of abject identification, a-normal, and is relegated to acting within fleeting dell’immaginario. Inoltre, considerando le identificazioni come stabili, immutabili e coerenti, l’esterno non simbolizzabile finisce per fossilizzarsi in una categoria fissa e universale (la donna, l’omosessuale, l’altra razza…l’abietto, il mostro). Se si afferma la stabilità delle posizioni e delle identificazioni (la necessarietà della Legge, la sua universalità, la posizione della psicoanalisi, di Lacan…), anche il loro necessario residuo, il loro Altro, la loro mancanza, l’insignificabile, sarà universale e assoluto: la donna come altro necessario, e come insignificabile permanente, come mancanza costituiva per eccellenza.

Identità instabili: l’affiliazione politica al di là della logica del ripudio

Il non simbolizzabile è il limite costitutivo della significazione, ma un conto è riconoscere ciò e un altro congelarlo nella stessa a-storica posizione e contemporaneamente negargli la possibilità di istituirsi come simbolizzabile, attraverso una riarticolazione della Legge. Contro la logica del ripudio e dell’abiezione Butler sostiene l’adozione di identità instabili, la proposta di identificazioni contingenti e provvisorie, aperte al divenire, che riconoscano il loro esterno come nuova possibilità simbolica di riarticolazione della Legge. Non si tratta di rinunciare alla soggettività, ma di riconoscere le esclusioni che ci costituiscono come soggetto e riconoscere le connessioni con altre identificazioni (7) . L’identità diventa cioè spazio di negoziazione, riconoscimento, responsabilità. (8)
Per Butler non è sufficiente, infatti:
- La semplice moltiplicazione delle posizioni-soggetto, cosa che comporterebbe la moltiplicazione degli atteggiamenti esclusivi e degradanti. Un ulteriore aumento di frazioni, la proliferazione di differenze senza alcuna possibilità di mutua negoziazione, l'aumento delle posizioni abiette a seconda dei rispettivi particolarismi e delle relative identificazioni escluse. Dopo l’umanesimo imperialista, il nuovo pericolo è quello di identity more and more specific (microbeam) and exclusive.
- The effort to transform the unique identifier in the identifications included. Such a move would follow the operation of human universality, and represent a return to the Hegelian synthesis. In this appropriation of the differences Butler sees the danger of new imperialism.
-denial and denial of subjectivity. This condemned to silence and abjection the unique identification of other entities.

The fact that the identifications will change does not mean exactly that identification is denied in favor of another. Change can be a sign of hope in the possibility of recognizing a set expanding connections, to outline how the identification is involved in what it excludes and follow the traces of that involvement to draw the map of the future community to which it could produce.

Performativity as citation

Butler argues, therefore, the unstable and contingent nature of identifications and the possibility of a change in the law, a re-articulation in his speech. This option is provided primarily by the performative character of the law (does not describe the positions, but creates them, and their constitution is simultaneously marked by the absence and the illusory promise of all) and then by concept of performativity as a quotation. The construction of meaning that is not resolved in an act, but needs a historical process of citation and rituals through which the law is formed and reaffirms his authority. The relationship between law and identifications can not be resolved in one direction (the Act determines the positions available to the identifications and meanings), but is based on the need for law to be continually cited by the identifications and through the imitation of its rules. The dynamics is presented at first by Butler in relation to the ratio of the Lacanian Imaginary and the Symbolic: the symbol does not precede the imagination, the imaginary and identification procedures are the establishment of the rule of law, so that the symbolic and imaginary are linked by a close intermingling.

Disclaimer of signifiers, quotes infidels

The promise of wholeness and completeness of meaning is, however, promptly rejected. The desire for unity of the subject of tolerance breakdown and recovery of a meaningful whole is intended to continue full frustration (the Other's desire is to be interpreted in this perspective, recovery of the remaining excess of the split). It thus appears to recognize the impossibility of the subject in a completely description, in any description: it is always work in a certain measure of denial of subjects regarding the name and the position they occupy within the discourse. (9)
identifications are always imperfect, the quotation is a citation of an abstract rule unfaithful, a promise never kept. (10) The inability to keep the promise is the guarantee of discursive re-articulation. The quote becomes unfaithful political strategy.

The significant political representation

I promise significant political force for the unit should disappoint because of the misunderstanding (the phenomenon of division into factions). But is it really necessary to chase this unit? The politicization always needs to overcome the disidentification? It may be that the claim slip, failure identification, becomes the starting point for an affirmation of the most democratizing internal difference. Identity formed as an "agency" as an obligation to quote, repeat, imitate signifier that there is, and losing in the quote, change, copy unfaithful. The failure to recognize in each unit of a lack universal and ahistorical, it does not take into account the discontinuity produced by the social relations that invariably exceed the signifier. The exclusions are divided in modi e formazioni diverse a seconda della contingenza. L’identità è provvisoria, quindi anche le sue esclusioni. Il fatto che non ci possa essere un'inclusione finale e completa è una funzione della complessità e della storicità di un campo sociale che non può mai essere riassunto da nessuna descrizione data e che, per ragioni democratiche, non dovrebbe mai esserlo.
La categoria politica non deve mai essere descrittiva: ciò che la politica dell’identità e l’ideale descrittivista lamenta come disunità e divisione in fazioni viene invece affermato come il potenziale aperto e democratizzante della categoria. Doppio movimento: invocare la categoria e quindi istituire provvisoriamente una identità and at the same time, open the category as a site of permanent political protest.


1) "Sex is not simply what you have, a static description of what it is. Rather, it is one of the rules by which the 'subject' is possible, what qualifies a body for life within the cultural field of intelligibility. "
2) Rethinking the physical and the psychic. "It is no longer possible to think of anatomy as a stable reference and meaning that is enhanced by subjecting it to an imaginary scheme. The accessibility of the anatomy itself is dependent on this scheme and coincides with it. Indissolubility of the psyche and the body means any description of the body, including those that are considered part of conventional scientific discourse takes place through the dissemination and validation of this imaginary schema.
3) "The ego does not precede or follow the process of articulation of gender, it emerges only within and as a matrix of gender relations. "
4)" The ego does not precede its identification with the object. The ego is formed through identification.
5) "The bodies become completely, totally, by means of the mirror and idealizing total, but if it is sustained over time by a name. Having a name is to be placed within the Symbolic, the scope idealized the relationship, a series of structured relations through the sanction and taboo ".
6) In relation to the body: the recognition as the body is the first identification key that establishes the subject, precisely what enables the subject to emerge and form as a signifier within the discourse. So: "The boundaries of the body are the experience of differentiation, where such differentiation is never neutral on the question of gender or heterosexual matrix. What is excluded from the body so the body boundaries may form? And how the housing exclusion that boundary as a kind of ghost inside? To what extent the surface body is the effect concealed the loss? "
7)" The fact that the identifications will change does not mean exactly that identification is denied in favor of another. Change can be a sign of hope in the possibility of recognizing a growing set of connections. Outline how the identification is involved in what it excludes, and follow the traces of that involvement to draw the map of the community which could lead to future ".
8) Butler consider other proposals, which ruled out:
- The multiplication of subject-positions, which would result in the proliferation of exclusive and degrading attitudes. Worsening di frazioni, proliferazione di differenze senza alcuna possibilità di mutua negoziazione. Aumento degli abietti a seconda dei rispettivi particolarismi e delle relative identificazione escluse. Dopo l'umanesimo imperialista, il nuovo pericolo di identità sempre più specifiche (microfascismi) ed esclusive.
- Lo sforzo di trasformare le identificazione escluse in identificazioni incluse. Operazione umanista, ritorno alla sintesi hegeliana. Appropriazione di tutte le differenze, imperialismi.
- La negazione e rifiuto della soggettività. Condanna al silenzio all'abiezione delle identificazioni di altri soggetti.
9)"Ogni significazione si fonda su un'origine traumatica, sulla perdita di una parte, sulla negazione, the absence. But any significant leads a promise of wholeness, recovery of the loss by producing an expectation of unity, full and final recognition (as a place of promise to drive the signifier becomes the site of ghostly investments) that can never be achieved. The signifier that could keep the promise and return to the place of forbidden pleasure destroy itself as a signifier. "Any law that operates through the threat, pointing out what should stay out of meaning. Desiderio fantasy of totality in the investment (both individual identity, both in the political ...) that is promised and promptly rejected.
10) "The identification is continuously represented as an event or result you want, but ultimately never materialized. It is a ghostly setting up the event. In this sense, belong to the imaginary identifications, are attempts ghostly alignment, loyalty, ambiguous and cohabitation transcorporee.