Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sample Wording For A Diaper Raffle


Per quelli che i prossimi due giorni si perderanno nelle rotatorie di Parma: visto che avanza una scheda con numero di cellulare vi si mette a disposizione come linea informativa il 3314756216.

Vi risponderò o io, o Elisa o Graziella.

Altre info sparse, prima che muoia definitivamente per la fatica:
  1. Il pranzo del sabato è alle 13, guidance. If you do not have the badge will not give you a meal, since otherwise we are open and the elderly with minimal raided. We will (thanks to Barilla, a little 'less to the city that I believe will give us the green light tomorrow morning only and only if the undersigned slams again) first, cheese and bread sticks, fresh fruit and beverages. There is a wiki
  2. dinner on Friday. I booked for 12, in case if we are more the manager is very very happy. Write down on the wiki then I will die in the late afternoon, or you tell me directly to the convention center.
  3. All the info to reach the conference center are in the wiki Parmaworkcamp: including bus lines, a map with places of interest menate different. The convention center is that building close to the Auditorium Paganini, Eridania Park.
  4. The first to break, given the fans of this last month for catering, permits, various cazzabbubboli know that I started doing boxing training and I also advances a shovel;)
Thanks to everyone that there will be, I I do not know what I'll be alive and present (they are running out with the vital energy), but thank you for having accepted my idea and for taking part in mass.

[and now I would say almost everything is done, but after thinking that my ego is bigger than it really is: namely a snots]

Can I Watch Wwe On Astra

Vi trattiamo bene: Barilla offre il pranzo

certainly a barcamp speaking of work, especially at this time, deserves to be taken seriously. But it is also recognized that bloggers have to eat.

A big thank you to Barilla and Pepe Moder that, in addition to actively participate in barcamp, have provided catering services for lunch, which will take place from 13.

For obvious reasons you should keep the badge that will give you entrance to the barcamp: you will be asked when you receive your lunch ;-)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Plans For Saugaue Suffer

Le magliette appena arrivate.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Blisters Back Of Throat

Iscrizioni alla tavola rotonda "Imprese e Web 2.0"

Not only barcamp.
Friday, March 20, in fact, we organized a roundtable event as "forerunners" to the barcamp on Saturday.

The aim of the meeting, the day barcamp on "Labor and web", is to bring together professionals who seek daily to live with the new paradigms of Web 2.0 in organizations yet linked to a way of communicate and collaborate often not very modern and efficient.

More information about the program and participants can be found at

You can subscribe via this page on Facebook event.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Rental House Walk-thru Inspection

Segnarsi sul wiki e non su facebook.

For organizational reasons we have already said that we do not follow verbatim list of the event on facebook but the wiki (facebook is a bit 'boring, here). If you can make a merge of the entry on the wiki, otherwise oh, peace:)

How To Use Headscissors

Cena tipica del 20.

For now, you created the wiki to score. In short, local level and all the rest (just the undersigned has a pochinino of time here, I have to try again ... cough)

Thanks to all of you in the meantime, you are many.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

How Much Does It Cost To Replace Flyback

Grazie ad Elastic!!

While the badges are made by hand and stampantedifran fabrianodellacoop (very art attack eh) Thank Elastic that gave us the leftovers of Romacamp arrived today:)

Saranno i vostri portabadge.
Grazie ancora! :)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Signs Of Hpv In Throat

Dettagli tecnici.

Vi rendo palese la mail del tecnico del centro congressi, qualora possa servirvi per le presentazioni al Barcamp:

Nella sala A ci sono in dotazione N° 2 PC portatili che si connettono tramite lan alla linea del comune di Parma,seguita ed istallata dal sig. Paolo fontechiari, che ne fa da responsabile,il cui telefono per chiarimenti e richieste è 0521 218383.

La sala a Voi concessa (sala a) è dotata di un cablaggio fisso che da video proiettore va a computer tramite vga a cui si possono poi attaccare tutti i vari portatili dei relatori.

Il centro non ha riduzioni per mac e quindi bisogna procurarsele.

If there are video clips and contributions would be better to first try to see the various optimizations and compatibility of the video projector.

I extend cordial greetings

Claudio Ghillani

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Disable Disk Sims 3 Mac

Le Signore in Noir: sabato 21 marzo, ore 18

Parma - Centro Congressi, Via Toscana Hall A Saturday, March 21, 18:00

noir Sperling & Kupfer c on a special look at the network as a meeting place and meeting writers and readers and creativity workshop. There will be Barbara Garlaschelli curator, Daniela Losito, Carmen Covito, Adele Marini, Daniela I folded, Licia Giaquinto. Moderated by Frank Fiorini.

Implantation When Period Is Due

Cena sociale il venerdì 20 sera.

Given the large turnout of 20 participants on Friday it planned to organize a dinner with us. Typical course
parmigiana. For accessions

buzz Fran by March 18.

What To Salvage From A Projection Tv

Parmaworkcamp su Roadsharing.

Daniel informs us:

on RoadSharing can tell you that you have created a tab event: 54f2f08612a2-

to reach the convention center if you carpool to save money, pollute less and get acquainted with other participants.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Impetigo In Diabetic Dogs

Il centro congressi ieri...


Monday, March 2, 2009

How To Get Getty Images Without Watermarks

Muoversi a Parma: la bicicletta!

For those who are not at Barcamp by its own means but by train council to consider the option of Bike Sharing: very comfortable and developed in the town of Parma.

For all information please contact this address.

Labia Minora Varicose Veins

Nella sala accanto...

Most likely the 20 days, always at the convention center of Parma, will be one of the hearings of the trial in Parmalat room C.
This leads me to insist on conduct less "bright and festive" in the common areas, and avoid staying in the area car magistrates)

Vi ringrazio assolutamente per la comprensione. Naturalmente il processo non farà parte del Barcamp e dell'evento di due giorni (che sarà unicamente composto dalla conferenza Impresa e web 2.0. e dal Parmaworkcamp), ma nessuno vi vieta dall'andare ad assistere a ciò.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Testical Cheak By Women Docter

"Il Petit Palais di Parigi alla Fondazione Magnani Rocca. Incontro con Rembrandt"

Per chi vorrà fermarsi nel fine settimana a Parma segnalo inoltre alla Fondazione Magnani Rocca di Mamiano di Traversetolo un'interessante mostra: "Il Petit Palais di Parigi alla Fondazione Magnani Rocca. Incontro con Rembrandt"

Per maggiori informazioni rivolgetevi al sito .

I Want To Buy A Blowup Wrestling Rink

Venerdì 20, ore 18:30, presentazione del libro "Alle signore piace il nero".

Vi annuncio con gioia che all'interno del place that always hosts in two days devoted to work and websites will also feature the presentation of a book written and edited by some bloggeuses.

will be present: the curator Barbara Garlaschelli (unless blocked), the authors Covito Carmen, Licia Giaquinto, Adele Marini, Daniela Daniela Losito and I folded. Moderated by Frank Fiorini.
remember the specific blog dedicated to the anthology

The inclusion of this event is encouraged from the point of view of relationships that have maintained through the network, Barbara has a Garlaschelli its very popular and active blog site, as well as Carmen Covito is available on the net Daniela Losito since 1997 and since 2004, with a blog site that has also received official recognition.

will be available in bookshops from March 3 this new anthology dedicated to women's noir, edited by Sperling & Kupfer and edited by Barbara and Nicole Garlaschelli Vallorani, will be called "The ladies like it black - Stories of murders, Crimes and Misdemeanors. "

to confront the most popular genre of the moment will Covito Carmen, Grace Verasani, Barbara Garlaschelli, Cinzia Tani, Nicoletta Vallorani, Donald Diamond, Licia Giaquinto, Adele Marini, Elisabetta Bucciarelli, I folded Daniela, Daniela Losito, Claudia Salvatori, Diana Lama and Nicoletta Sipos. But the main novelty of the project is in the wake of advances that the 14 authors, from now until the release date, will leave on the Internet: small samples of each story will be published every day in fact MissFatti Blog - Arsenic and new lace.

not need reservations for this event and is open to all. The event is not related to the two days devoted to work and websites and is not sponsored by the city of Parma, but is an event that takes place in the same place on 20.