Friday, March 17, 2006

Doctors Inspecting Penis

Chi siamo?

Il Centro di Studi sui Linguaggi delle Identità, costituitosi nel 1998 nella Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature straniere dell'Università degli studi di Bergamo, si propone di indagare i modi in cui la scrittura letteraria, ma anche cinematografica e mediatica, esprime la crisi del soggetto moderno e postmoderno. In questa analisi si porrà un'attenzione particolare alle nozioni di "gender" (ovvero di identità sessuata culturalmente costruita) e di differenza.

Il punto di partenza della nostra indagine è costituito dalle elaborazioni critiche svolte nell'ultimo trentennio negli Stati Uniti, ma anche nelle altre aree anglofone, luoghi di confronto e di conflitto fra identità multiple and intertwined cultural, sexual, religious, ethnic, racial, class. While Great Britain seems to be accentuated the post-colonial dimension, the United States, for their pluralism incorporation and the incessant and massive migration and immigration that through them, proved an ideal breeding ground for the fullest development (and sometimes the explosion) of issues related to identity and difference. From These issues have rapidly in schools and universities, which, linked to the dynamics of the marketplace, competition and survival, have long become a social laboratory of the most active and critical, and an observation point Cultural highly significant.

At this particular moment, after decades of intense development of specific studies on gender and minority cultures, which have also invested and profound changes in institutions and social realities existing road seems to be a reflection of the need to cross is measured with the different languages \u200b\u200bof different identities, old and new, minority and majority, male and female dominated and dominant, hegemonic and subordinate, peripheral and central, nomadic and sedentary in their configurations and intersections of historical, geographical, anthropological, political . This need, the Centre wants to pursue. Zebras, centaurs, dryads, cyborgs, aliens and other strange creatures will lead us.

Regarding the relationship between the Italian cultural situation and that of other countries, our work starts from predominantly U.S. experience, with no wish to confine ourselves to a subject area specialist, but rather connect to the national and European contexts. In this sense we consider our partners first anglicists colleagues, for obvious reasons, but also students of literary theory and European literature, among them Italians, as students of culture which belongs to the organizing committee of the Centre, within which it operates, and from which we observe American and Anglophone in a dialectical and comparative.


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