Monday, November 10, 2008

How To Cancel Recurring Xbox Live

Come parlare di identità?

Recently, a PhD student in semiotics - that thank you very much for providing the important insights - he wrote in an e-mail requesting information on the activities of the center Zebra. After being sent some practical information, such as the link to the website of the Centre for Studies on the Languages \u200b\u200bof Identity (Zebra, that for those who ask if they are here: has placed the questions that I consider of great interest and I'd like to start a discussion on this blog which, unfortunately, there has not been:

As a literary approach to the issue of / identity is different from a semiotic?
In that sense we talk about language identity? These are issues of mediology? We wonder how a certain language that determines the identity of the talks?
How to map the question of identity? It is rather difficult to do, as psychologists and philosophers to the neuroscientists talk about it all ...

Apro quindi la discussione, sia ai membri del centro Zebra, sia a tutti coloro che vogliono dare un contributo.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Plans To Build A Fireplace Mantel

Identità e violenza

"Il mio primo contatto con l'omicidio avvenne all'età di undici anni. Era il 1944, nel corso degli scontri tra induisti e musulmani che hanno preceduto l'indipendenza indiana. Kader Mia era un musulmano, e per gli spietati criminali indù che lo avevano aggredito quella era l'unica identità importante. La violenza settaria oggi non è meno rozza. È una grossolana brutalità che poggia su una grande confusione concettuale riguardo alle identità degli individui, capace di trasformare esseri umani multidimensionali in creature a un'unica dimensione."

Amartya Sen, premio Nobel per l’economia nel 1998, in questo nuovo saggio sui temi attualissimi dell’identità e della violenza, ci esorta a considerare “l’inaggirabile natura plurale delle nostre identità” e a non brutalizzare la nostra stessa esperienza di vita personale comprimendola dentro contenitori di identità uniche. Perché, secondo il rettore del Trinity College di Cambridge, l’imposizione di una sola appartenenza, sia essa una religione o una civiltà, è divenuta troppo spesso il preludio all’esercizio della violenza e del settarismo belligerante.
“E’ palese – scrive Sen da vero pensatore cosmopolita (è un indiano home in Cambridge and Harvard) - that each of us belongs to many groups: the same person may be, without the slightest contradiction, "of American citizenship, of Caribbean origin, with African ancestry, a Christian, liberal, woman, vegetarian , Marathon, historical, teacher, novelist, feminist, heterosexual supporters of gay rights and lesbian, lover of the theater, a militant environmentalist with a passion for tennis, jazz musician. " On the other hand, argues Sen, the classifications that it would split solely on the basis of a religion or a civilization passed off as dominant, not only deny this plurality being of our men and women, but they forget also our common humanity. And in so doing trigger a spiral of violence, oppression and wars in the name of tradition, actual "abuse of identity" that is imposed on the collective rights of individuals. So
"identity can also kill, kill with transport" in the sense that the attribution of an identity organized can pave the way for persecution and loss. But this world torn by religious terrorists, ethnic fanaticism, the integral of the West, which seems inexorably prisoner of its own constraints and directed toward the practice of confrontation and violence, can still correct its course. Maybe sharing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1945. Word of Amartya Sen.



I. Preface The violence of illusion
II. Make sense of identity
III. Children of civilization
IV. Islamic history and religious affiliations
V. West and Antioccidente
VI. Culture and captive
VII. Globalization and the voice of the people
VIII. Multiculturalism and freedom
IX. Freedom of thought

Notes Index of Names Index

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Xbox Timer Override Control

I Soprano e gli altri...

Donatella Izzo and Cinzia Scarpino (ed.)
The Sopranos and other
The American television series in Italy
Milan: Shake, 2008
ISBN 978 - 88-88865-66-9
144 pp.
Price: EURO 15.00

In recent years, the American TV series were the stars of the television programming, not only in Italy but, meeting a great success and getting accolades from the critics.

More than cinema, this TV series have been able to represent the defects of contemporary society, creating a new language and exploding people who are now entered more fully into our imagination.

In this monograph the drafting of ACOM provides an overview of discussions on the series that have marked our daily lives in recent years. The unscrupulous

Manhattan Will & Grace and Sex and the City, CSI crime scenes and 24 operating rooms of ER, Dr. House and Grey's Anatomy, Lost Island, the uneven households Six Feet Under, Soprano and Simpson, the refined world of homosexual L-Word show, through l’analisi, nella loro qualità di finzioni narrative aperte al magmatico divenire del presente: sismografi in grado di rappresentare le tensioni culturali e le contraddizioni politiche dell’America di oggi.

Scarica l'introduzione qui .

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Polish Women With Big Breast

Le scienze umane nell'età neurocentrica: natura, cultura e identità oggi

Bergamo 15 maggio 2008

Piazza Rosate n. 2, Aula 1


Ore 10.30: Introduce e presiede Mario Corona (Università di Bergamo - Coordinatore del Centro ZEBRA)

Francisco Ortega
(Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro)
The Cerebral Subject in Popular Culture

Pi etro Barbetta
(Università di Bergamo)

Ore 15.00: Introduce e presiede Valeria Gennero (Università di Bergamo)

Donatella Izzo
(Università di Napoli "L'Orientale")
“How the Brain Talks”: Neuroscienze e calligrafia in The Fourth Treasure di Todd Shimoda
Francis Ronzon
(Politecnico di Milano, Accademia di Belle Arti Cignaroli GB, Verona)
Cer levels, gender identity, and ethnography of science

Enrico Giannetto
(University of Bergamo)
Towards a deconstruction of the neuro-biological and genetic determinism


Part ticipate:

Antonello Borra (University of Vermont)
Liana Borghi (University of Florence)
Cristina Bracchi (University of Turin)
And Lisabetta Galeotti (Università del Piemonte Orientale)
Barbara Lanati (University of Turin)
Marco Pustianaz (University of Piemonte Orientale)
Massimo Salgado (University of Verona)
of colleagues' University of Bergamo and doctorate students of the Graduate School of Science Literature, University of Bergamo.

University of Bergamo

ZEBRA Centre for Studies on the Languages \u200b\u200bof Identities

Committee Organizer: Mario Corona

Valeria Gennero
Stefano Rosso

Secretary: Stefano Asperti

Silvia Mazzucchelli