Il libeccio era finalmente placato, e ora una lieve brezza accarezzava appena le pesanti vele inerti, vuote d’ aria e di vita.
The galleon was rolling and pitching, obsessed with the 'anxiety of the winds, and now lay resting on the sea without borders, like on a smooth slab blue and motionless. Exhausted. Fifty years 'navigation on the contaminated waters of the world to put the booty of a barrel of' kippers, a pile of junk sartame hemp made almost useless by the bilge rats bite.
blinding sun, absolute stasis, silence roaring, suspended time. His friends gone, lost at sea, or landed at major ports, to join the great flow of anything.
Perhaps the time was dead and, perhaps, everything else was dead, or never vissuta.
Sirio, così irrimediabilmente dimentica ormai della terra, pensava a sé stessa come a qualcosa di sciupato tra troppe velleità ed altrettante disillusioni e si convinceva d’ essere, forse, un inconsistente sogno. Era, forse, un sogno altrui scordato e disperso nella nebulosa delle cose passate e scomparse per sempre che lasciano solo un leggero sentore di dolce malinconia e triste tenerezza. Sì, lei era un sogno ribelle, scappato dalle reti della memoria, che per misteriosa alchimia di demone, aveva scelto il volo libero sopra l’ oceano della perplessità.
Ma un sogno senza più sognatore è un' epopea senza eroe, una lacrima without pain, a mother without her son.
had traveled miles on miles, es' was lit by a hundred times fleeting joy, in the 'illusion of having found at last, the' Island in the name of trying to wait forever. L 'port. 's elsewhere. But in many percent was reprecipitated awareness' s have only hoped to be able to believe and have seen what was not.
now forces decline and hope was almost definitely gone. Inciting the old weariness, with the voice of the siren, to surrender, and with the waiver, to rest or to 'extinction, which is, peace.
This boundless sea and cold is not a place likely to grow and hopes to survive, as they seem stubborn and tenacious. There is no hero alive.
despicable and untrustworthy characters, those vulgar boatswains all ... It had been assured - and you thought you had, because of that 'ingenuity of which would never freely, with their voices as galeotte whispered furtively communicate most precious secrets, all of them had sworn that the 'Island was, and was the most pleasant and charming that you could imagine. L 'had, in turn, heard from others murmured softly, as something that is not appropriate to recite, per non turbarne la purezza, o la magia.
Filosofi cialtroni ed oziosi perditempo, poeti bugiardi, armati soltanto di parole vane! Avevano mentito … ma in fondo non c’ è nulla che esca dalle labbra umane di totalmente sincero. Soltanto la minima parte di quel che dicono gli uomini si avvicina alla verità e la restante è meno stabile e certa della polvere che il vento di tramontana porta con sé.
Mi sono accorto che trovarsi con quelli che piacciono può bastare,
Fermarsi in compagnia degli altri la sera, può bastare,
Trovarsi circondato meat beautiful, curious, breathing, laughing is enough, Go among them, touch them, even put his arm slightly and for a moment on the neck of him or her, what is this?
not ask more delight, and swimming in it like a sea.
There is something in the stopping berth in men and women, in seeing, in contact, in the 'smell of them, so that fully satisfies the' soul,
All things meet the 'soul, but they fully meet the .
... "
(Walt Whitman-Sing the Body Electric)
So sang the fool, exalted 's America, before she and her god devours the world.
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