Friday, February 18, 2011

Life Expectancy With Wegener's Disease

Chiamami per Cena.

Avevo i Capelli Scomposti al Vento,
il Viso sempre sporco di Terra,
le mie Mani odoravano di Buono,
i Piedi scalzi correvano anche sui Sassi,
le Risate erano così fragorose.

Non mi curavo di come apparissi,
sicuramente erano le Emozioni ad interessarmi ,
la Curiosità per un nuovo Mondo.
Avevo il Cuore aperto alle Sensazioni
con la dirompente voglia di Vivere.

Inventavo le Parole,
quando non ne trovavo alcune
che potessero veramente esprimere
what I felt inside
at the moment that was asked of me.

And I was so hungry
of everything that was around me
who claim it was so simple
and ask that I was given, because
my Purity, won
anyone look at my eyes.

and the life was the beautiful game
that I could participate.

Until I saw him jump.
In a moment all was over,
like when your mother calls you
to go to dinner and you have to say goodbye.
I had the same heavy hearts,
but did not know why.

I went.
recognized my playmates
shouting from the window,
watching the empty to the father's body.
Something told me di non muovermi,
che non era il caso che capissi.

Così rimasi col viso impassibile,
impietrita vedendo la gente correre,
sentendo grida di voci familiari,
non analizzando fino in fondo
che cosa stesse realmente accadendo.

Poi ascoltai i discorsi delle Persone.
Dicevano che non stava bene,
che da molto aveva un comportamento strano,
che forse era stato spinto da qualcuno,
che non lo avrebbe mai fatto veramente.

E io guardavo il mio Amico
seduto a Terra accanto al Giardino,
giocare con un Bastone con le Formiche.
Ed era solo, nessuno si curava di lui.
Del suo Dolore.

Così mi avvicinai e tentai di ridere,
gli dissi che, per me,
suo Padre aveva tentato di volare
e that had failed.
He looked at me and nodded.

We returned home by the hand.

I could no longer smiling as before,
because I realized that not everything
was really possible,
that not everything had to be able
exactly how the 'we'd dreamed of.

did not sleep that night.
I think about his flight, the fact
who failed to do so.
That no one had taught him to do so.
And I was convinced that if he asked,
would learn for sure.

And then I thought maybe
had not asked to learn,
because he did not care. He would not fly.
wanted only
conclude a game that had begun
with no one calling him to dinner.

From that day I stopped to laugh loudly ,
I stopped believing that Ask was essential ,
that life was something good to eat
and down when you're tired,
someone always calls you for dinner.

And it would be time for dinner,
to stop this game and to hear your voice.
Or learn to fly, without asking.
But I remain terrified like that day
in cui capii che non avevo compreso nulla
di quello che avevo realmente vissuto.


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