Friday, February 18, 2011

Ninas Follando Viedos

questionable dignity

Singular complex creatures males ...
more daunting than ever, then, mind-some of them self-styled intellectuals-whose critical thinking and implicit interpretation of things in the world takes a very slight nuances me stupid and poor-sighted simpleton, and presumably (Also) new moralista/comunista- completely dark.

I read with horror-repeated statement of a woman who describes herself so evocatively appealing according to the most ordinary and poor-sexist aesthetic logic, which sees a substantial subtle difference between the prostitute for money (as a normal activity? as a professional?) and prostitution for money, for a job more or less prestigious, for an appearance on television, for an apartment with rent paid, and the like, or other Berlusconi his supporters.
Shortly before the same person was found especially the delicious 'playful idea of' new Judith imagine herself ready to sacrifice their virtue to remove Holofernes.
But since there are these times in which to enjoy the virtues of great consideration, his reasoning leaves a painful sense of wonder, from the vaguely offensive (yes) for many women.

I apologize: I miss the nuance, does not see the fine nuance. E 'ideological? E 'policy?
There are decent and prostitutes prostitutes unworthy? Prostitute prostitutes left and right?
It 'clear that those who normally is conceivable the commodification of their bodies and focalizza semmai l' attenzione sul fruitore dei favori  ha non soltanto una storia culturale ed intellettuale diversa dalla mia, ma anche uno strano concetto del meccanismo corpo-mente e delle incessanti, fatali connessioni tra i due elementi, senza le quali non si può affermare d' essere integri e completi.

Purtroppo a qualche maschio quel  ragionamento, insistentemente, piace. Deludente, che peccato, quanto mi disturba...


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