Sunday, February 27, 2011

Community Service Sorority



Nulla a che vedere con la metamorfosi del povero Gregor Samsa, risvegliatosi insetto e precipitato in un baratro d' angoscia e solitudine: metamorphosis carnival have other origins, and ancient mythology, although closely related to the ratio that the 'man, always has with himself and with the cosmos.

's gotta be just because of its ritual function, which seeks' s exorcise through the jokes and the joke, masking ambiguous, prevaricating, the 'absence of light imposed by soltice d' winter quiescence - therefore of-life (which reminds too explicit death), that I hate him now as I have always done since the children '. Since I can not conceive
duplicity, I do not like the masks, nor I ever loved. Yet, I know how to express the symbolism and how much truth may lurk behind what presents itself as visibly liar or clownish.

Behind the mask is allowed debauchery, the overthrow of 'order, the' immersion in the destructive chaos, and celebrating the cosmic disorder is instrumental to the restoration of the new order, stronger and more restrictive than before. More compelling.

Each party is to purge the 'bitterness of the crisis, is the sugar cube before the administration of' bitter pill.
But now it seems to me that 'Humanity has been able to completely cancel the hidden ties with the Cosmos and its laws.
's sad the possibility that cleared the hope of rebirth, reunion with the 'eternal principle of life that held the' universe.

As I hope I'm wrong ...

Com 'is more noble and wise to leave all that to happen, with an imperceptible smile ...


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