The heat on the skin
was not expected, was not granted.
Stay in chat Hour,
touch with your fingers, laughing and joking.
crazy with emotions,
a rain of events
and ask if everything is real.
And for a moment I forgot,
all that I should tell you.
Cancellando tutto quello che avevo Programmato,
mi sono lasciata guidare da te.
Siamo arrivati nella Dolcezza delle Espressioni,
nel Giocare assieme, accoccolarci ancora.
Per poi Baciarci di nuovo
e non avere la voglia di lasciare la tua Pelle.
Desiderarti ancora una volta,
buttarti sul letto e sentire le tue Mani.
Avvolgere la mia Carne Impazzita
of everything I have inside.
That now I find myself not being able to pronounce,
letting you go first,
accepting any feeling
leaving to run in the Soul, carefree.
And I closed my eyes, like years ago.
And I breathed the flavor of life
Thank you and I have told thee, and kissed again.
a kiss different
of an involvement of intent
an exchange of Soul,
of an emotion itself.
And I'm here now,
with your lips on my neck,
your hands around behind me whispers
"I need you"
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