Lentamente Pioveva.
Seduta sulla soglia della Finestra,
looked off at Night.
I wanted you.
you found
written in my words,
without any silly shame.
Hours are spent
as a small drop of water
slipped out of a tap.
two in the morning.
Anche la mia Pelle
si era stancata del Freddo mantello
che la Notte le aveva Regalato.
Così con due passi ero nel Letto,
rannicchiate le gambe allo Stomaco,
con le Mani stringevo le Caviglie.
Mi domandavo se questo mio desiderarti,
potesse farti male in qualche modo,
potesse destabilizzarti o disgustarti a volte.
Ragionamenti nel Silenzio.
Così ho chiuso gli Occhi
cercando di far Spazio nell'Anima,
Sgomberarla dal Dolore.
Lentamente ho preso ad accarezzarmi
per lenire ogni senso di inutilità,
di vuoto, di solitudine.
Tutta quella fame che è dentro
e che non riesco a tranquillizzare.
In alcune sere ruba anche i miei Sentimenti.
And I dreamed.
the open sea, beach races,
the road trip and places never seen,
your soft skin and your hands.
Long nights spent with a beer,
laughter sweat and heat of Summer,
's friends on whom to rely.
flights by plane and unknown languages,
and your food never tasted grimaces,
dance the night away in a different tune.
And every night I slept in a different bed
turned around and looked and I was alone.
the morning when I woke up next to me were.
but began a new journey
and we had to leave.
Breakfast quickly to new worlds.
The only discordant note
left my hunger for you,
of your flesh, your smell.
This Morning.
I woke up crying,
but it was not pain, it was not pain.
was hunger turned to anger.
Why do not you wish you nothing but
and no one can feed
what is in my stomach.
I dried palms, eyes.
a new day, a New World.
looked at the ceiling.
"I was tired, I collapsed last night ..."
and I still smile, spreading his arms in bed,
linked to the Cross that I had chosen with love.
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