E 'this bitterness.
I hear from the mouth,
go down to my arms,
wrap Shoulder
poison the heart.
And I cry, clenching his fists,
my tattered pride
I tried to pass above.
And now as it burns.
That No, I did not expect,
because it was a brand that I had taken
from my wrist. A Time.
I had promised myself not to ask,
not to do it again,
sapermela to draw on its own.
not to feel again that Gall.
But I lowered my head and I've got
tried again, still a volta
credere che tutto può essere diverso.
... No ...
E ho pianto.
Sono un'inguaribile.
Credo sempre che le persone
possano cambiare, l'Anima Scaldarsi.
Ma è come parlare ad uno Specchio,
e mai alla persona Giusta.
Sono una persona fra la Gente,
un Essere qualunque per Chiunque.
... You have always been wrong
and it is useless now that you look in a mirror that does not know who you are
a mirror that does not know who you are ..
A Stupid ...
and it is useless now that you look in a mirror that does not know who you are
a mirror that does not know who you are ..
A Stupid ...
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